How To Start A Watch Company - Where Do You Start?

how to start a watch company

So you want to know how to start a watch company? The truth of the matter is that it's easier than ever to do it if you have the right guide. There are many books and online sources that can help you understand what you need to do. But don't just jump into things head first without taking a deep breath and doing some serious thinking. You may end up being very disappointed.

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What kind of watches will you be making? There are so many different kinds of watches these days. They go for all different prices and come in many different shapes and sizes. Your focus must be on finding a watch style that appeals to your customer base. If you offer an affordable price, but your watches are top notch quality and built to last, you'll have loyal repeat customers.


How do you know where to look? Search on the internet for "watches" or "watch company." Take a list of the major watchmakers and the names of their dealers. Contact them and ask them if they would be willing to offer you display space in their showrooms for an exhibition. Many will agree as long as you purchase the proper amount of advertising (i.e. newspaper ads, websites etc.)

How To Start A Watch Company - Where Do You Start?


How to start a watch company isn't difficult to understand once you've located a company that makes a good watch. It requires a lot of hard work and dedication. You have to make a lot of initial contacts with dealers and select a few styles. Once you've found the ones you like, you need to find the resources to promote them. That's where it becomes a bit harder.


Some of the best ways to get started in this industry is to find local groups that attend fairs. Watch meets are great places to meet and network. They often have a Dealer Display Room where you can shop for your watch. Most importantly, dealers are passionate about watches so they're usually more than happy to talk about how to start a watch company.


There are other ways to get started besides networking. You can speak with local jewelers to see if they would be interested in carrying your products. If they do, there's no reason why you shouldn't buy from them. Jewelers have relationships with jewelers and watch makers and are often willing to sell you products at wholesale prices. Another way is to contact reputable wholesalers who have a wide selection of fine watches for you to choose from.


When you have several styles and prices in mind, it's time to think about how to distribute those products. Are you going to create a website? Offer free promotional materials? Sell through eBay? Any option should be given some serious thought first, though.


Once you've gathered your team, you'll need to figure out how to get your product into the market. You can do that by finding distributors that will market and distribute your goods. The distributor will also handle all customer service issues, after-sales service, warranty questions, and online order processing. It's one of the most important things you should consider when thinking about how to start a watch company.


After you've chosen which distributors you're going to use, you'll have to decide what type of watches to offer. The best way to figure this out is to ask yourself what your target audience is. If you're targeting a younger crowd, then you'll probably want to offer fashion-oriented watches. You can also sell military watches and diving watches, but those might not be the best options if you want your first watch to be seen by bankers and corporate clients.


Also, you need to figure out how to price your watches. Although you probably won't have to rely on expensive materials like precious metals or diamonds (not unless you want to), you should still try to make each watch sale count. Price your watches competitively so that people will end up coming back to buy more.


Those are the basics of how to start a watch company. There's really nothing too complicated about it, though you do need some help from a mentor or two. Luckily, there are plenty of sources online where you can find how-to guides and get the advice of more experienced entrepreneurs. Plus, you can always check out some of the most successful companies that have recently started selling their own products online. It pays to do your research before you jump in, after all.

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